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pennies with purpose

budget builder

you have what it takes to save and prosper! with my FREE budget builder tool, you will have the ability to save money each month.

if this is your first time budgeting, it may take some time, but the benefits of getting your financial life in order will spill into ALL other aspects of your life. take your time, and be patient with yourself. it will be well worth your time.

do note:

Your personal information will not be shared, and is deleted upon delivery of your personalized budget. The email address entered above will be used to send you your personalized budget. Be sure to use an email that you are comfortable receiving potentially sensitive information, because your personal finances are just that, PERSONAL!


Please add ALL sources of income for each of the categories listed below. This will be used as your "Top Line" as we build your budget together.

household expenses

We will use this section to discover the minimum needed to run your household. Please include all monthly expenses, as this will help us uncover extra money! You may notice that there are several common monthly payments missing. We will address these payments in the debt section.


If you pay a bill annually, please divide it by 12 for the monthly expense.


In this section we will review ALL of your debts. We will ask the total amount, and the monthly payment for each debt type.

financial health

In this section we will ask additional questions to help discover your overall financial picture.

special limited time offer:

Submission of this form will automatically subscribe you to the Peggy with Purpose newsletter, and provide you with FREE access to a one-on-one budget planning session with Peggy Romero.

Thank you for your interest in the Pennies on Purpose budgeting tool.

A budget is the first step to taking control of your financial future!


Your responses are being compiled and will be sent to you in an easy to read PDF.

Feel free to return monthly to continue your budgeting progress!


Additional resources are available to those interested in individual coaching.


We will provide options for scheduling your one on one budgeting session and your personalized budget shortly!

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