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  • Decide to Live on Purpose

    Make yourself a priority by doing the things that you know you should do. I know that sounds oversimplified, but it really is easy you just have to set your mind on what you want. It starts with believing in yourself. Knowing that you can do what you set your mind to. Accepting the fact that you do deserve to live the life of your dreams. It doesn't matter where you start- just get moving. As they say, one step at a time. I'm going to share just a few of the changes I made that have helped me change my life tremendously. I love being focused and calm instead of stressed out. #1- GFPH – A morning routine that will change the way you think Fuel your mind with positivity. Devoting the start of the day to prepare yourself will help stay focused in every part of your life. Start every day with the green focus power hour GFPH. Yes, it takes one hour. One hour that's worth it! If you really can't squeeze in an hour, you can start with 30 minutes, it really will change your life. You do each of these things for 10 minutes (5 if you are only committing to 30 minutes total) *Read- Input something inspirational, insightful, educational, or uplifting. *Journal- Put it out there on paper. This can be your hopes and dreams goals or it could be your griefs and fears. It can be a letter to a loved one, to God, or someone who passed away. This is your time, what you do is up to you. *Affirmations- I am whole, perfect, powerful, and strong.  I am loving, harmonious and happy. I am healthy, I am peaceful, I am grateful, I am blessed! – Again, what you say is completely up to you…  say it out loud and say it like you mean it! (even if you don’t at first) *Visualization- Quietly with your eyes closed and picture you exactly as you choose to be. Who are you with what are you doing, what are you saying what are you wearing where do you work where do you live and who do you live with. See it feel it, become that person for these 10 minutes. If you're doing this right you will feel joy in your heart and have a smile on your face.  This is your time so dream big. “If my mind can conceive it and my heart can believe it then I can achieve it “  Muhammad Ali *Meditation- Meditation is nothing more than being quiet and still. Allow all the thoughts that are running around in your head to pass by. Learn how to let them go without thinking about them. When you catch yourself just come back to the center. I like to close my eyes; it is easier to relax and ground myself. I started out by simply picturing God right in front of me, the light, the magnificence, the love.  I allow myself to breathe slowly in and out while focusing on God with my heart. Then you’ll realize you're not focused on the image of God anymore you're thinking about a whole bunch of other stuff. When you catch yourself, just go back to your center where you started. Don’t be hard on yourself you will catch yourself over and over. It is practice, and it gets easier. It really is that simple. It builds your concentration muscle. This practice will make you feel grounded and focused all day. *Move- You choose. You can go to the gym, go for a walk, do some yoga, or your housework anything you choose. Just do something. #2 Prioritize your health! Diet and Exercise The body supports the mind. It is important to eat right. You will feel better if you give yourself good nutrition. I'm not talking about a diet to lose weight, that will come naturally if you're eating the diet that's right for you.  I have heard that eating in an 8-hour window does wonders for our bodies.  Eat good healthy food and decide that you're going to nourish your body properly. It's a game changer. For some quick, healthy and easy recipes, tap on the button below: You don't have to be a person who goes to the gym for an hour a day. Start with a walk. I've read over and over we need to move our bodies for a minimum of 150 minutes a week. How about if we make that be the minimum target 20 minutes a day seven days a week is already 140, and you're already getting 10 minutes a day from your GFPH. Suddenly it seems doable, doesn't it? #3 Separate yourself from the voice in your head (Name the Ego) We all have that inner critic; that negative inner dialogue that we listen to day in and day out. Constantly telling us what we should and shouldn't do how good we are in the next minute how bad we are. It's not our true self and we can never reconcile the craziness. We just need to separate from it. Know who's talking is it you, your true self, On The Voice from your heart. Or is it that loudmouth that lives in your head. In Stress Mastery we name the ego; because it makes it easier to see. An awareness is everything. I named my ego Lucy. And she's ready to take over the show anytime I'm willing to let her. But she is not me. I get to decide what to think and feel and do. -I choose to live from my heart, my true self. Next time things feel like they're spinning out of control, take a deep breath and notice who's talking. And ask yourself ‘is it me or my ego?’  Who has conscious mind control? When things are going fast and furious, it’s your ego. When you're making good decisions, and your thoughts are coming from your heart; Yep that's you. #4 Be a Goal Getter I realized a long time ago I love to set goals because I love to accomplish my goals. I make long term goals and short term goals. I think starting with Short term goals naturally leads us to achieving our long term goals. On Sunday mornings I write out my goals for the week. I highlight which things I really need to work on. What do you need to get done this week? I do personal goals, fitness goals business goals. I do have to- want to -and like to.  Write it down.  Break it down into bite sized chunks so that you can get it all done. What day will you do it? What time? What are each of the tasks that you need to do in order to complete the goal. By having my weekly checklist, I can keep going back and reprioritizing things so that I get them all done. When you do- give yourself a Gold Star, a pat on the back do a little dance of celebration! You deserve it! I believe that doing these things will completely change your life. But don't try and start everything at once. Pick something and go for it! Start small if you need to. I would love it if you would start with green focus power hour. It will automatically lead you to wanting more for your life. Next thing you know you'll be eating better exercising more creating conscious mind control and achieving all your goals. Now that's what I call living life on purpose! Live every day on purpose, Peggy Romero

  • Change is Coming...

    I am extremely fortunate that I don't mind change. I am a person who doesn't like to do the same thing every day. I like new adventures, I like new people. I like change! And... I have been going through a lot of changes recently. Over the past few years my life has become very different. And I don't mind at all. I was divorced a few years ago, which completely changed everything. I had to take some time to decide what I really wanted if I was the only focus. What do I want to do if I can do anything I’ve ever dreamed of. This was all new for me. I always had other people to think about. I've always had other people to support, financially and emotionally.  I have always made sure that what I wanted was in alignment with what my family needed. Not so anymore. For the first time in my life, I am living in a place where I can make decisions based solely on what I want. This had never been true for me before, not ever. I was married very young and had my first daughter at 18 years old. I was a 50-year-old newlywed when my youngest daughter went off to college. I had never lived alone in my life, until two years ago. This is crazy to realize I had never lived alone before. It's actually pretty scary, but also the potential is unlimited. What do I want to do with the last third of my life? The sky is the limit. At the time I got divorced I've been working very closely with Bill Cortright and Stress Mastery. I had clients that I was coaching working on my stress mastery coaching certificate, building up a social media presence and doing the stress mastery podcast every week. What a wonderful life, working to fulfill my life purpose. I have always wanted to help people be the best version of themselves, starting with myself. Everything was just flowing in the right direction. Living life on purpose. But then suddenly, once again, everything changed. Stress Mastery was no more. This was the platform I had built my life on. What to do? What to do? What to do? All my life I have wanted to be a teacher or a nurse. If you've read my book, you'll see how my parents discouraged me by telling me that we came from the wrong side of the tracks and that I would never go to college. I had to get that dream out of my head. When I was widowed in my 30s I decided to go to school to be a nurse. After all nurses pay two to three times more than a teacher and both jobs would have suited me fine. Much to my dismay I realized that I was no better at science in college than I was in middle school. Science does not come easy to me. And you have to have a great understanding of science in order to get through nursing school. In fact at the time, you had to have straight A's in science just to be accepted in nursing school. In my quest to help people I studied human development and received a Bachelor of Science. I could do one more year to become a teacher or one or two more years to become a counselor. I started working on my master’s degree in teaching. After paying a great deal of money for the first semester of tuition at a private university, I found out from the teacher that there were no jobs in the area. If I was to be a teacher when I graduated, I would need to and leave the area and perhaps even the state. I had to make a new career choice. I was not in any position to move.  I had two very young grandchildren and a daughter in middle school. It wasn't a good time to leave the area. I became an insurance agent. In time I became an excellent insurance agent. That has proven to be one of the best decisions I've ever made in my whole entire life. What I gained from that experience is beyond what I can explain in this blog post. It did change my life for the better. And it has changed me forever. So back to my predicament now. A few months ago, after my great loss, I decided to go to the college to find out about getting into nursing school here in Arizona. Things are different here. Firstly, they go by your whole GPA and not just your science GPA. Fabulous! My GPA is just fine. Nursing jobs are abundant, and you can always get a job being a nurse. So even though I won't be older I will still be able to get a job. I don't have kids to take care of, and I will not be working while I go to school like I was last time. I decided finally this is my time to try again. So I signed up for a biology class and a statistics class this winter. These are two of the prerequisites I need. I would just have two more classes this summer and then an entrance exam that I’ll have to pass. OK I can do that. And it's true I can do it. I am halfway through and I have an A in both classes. But you know what, still not good at science and this math class is not my cup of tea. My head hurts from all the thinking. Honestly it feels like it's full of mush and I can't get any more in there. I realize that I do not want to spend the next three years studying this hard. You know when somebody tells you that you can't do something, and you just want to do it even more? This is how I can relate to the feelings that I have right now.  I realize that I feel such a sense of accomplishment knowing that I actually can do it – and that that's all I really need. Just knowing that I can, is enough for me. I am 62 years old and I don't want to spend three years cramming and studying. There are so many other parts of my life that I don't want to miss out on.  I do not want to give it all up. I know that when you're in nursing school, being a nursing student is all you have, it is your life. You hear that from everyone. And it's very understandable. You have school full-time and then you have a whole bunch of paperwork and records that you have to keep. And then you have labs and all of the science that you have to understand. I realize that is not what I want.  The best part is that I'm deciding to quit on the plan, not because I have to. Not because it's too hard for me. Not because I can't do it. But because I choose not to! My being able to make this decision is a testament to how much I have grown over the past few years. I have always been afraid of what people will think. I've always told myself you are not a quitter... you will finish this no matter what. Right now, finally, I don't care what anybody thinks. I will make decisions on myself and not based on others. I’ve decided to switch my major again and concentrate on getting a teacher certificate and a job in teaching. I have so much to offer. I have a ton of life experience and a heart full of love. I know so much about how to find peace in the chaos. My coaching experience and the time I have spent with Bill Cortright has been an enormous blessing to me and my family and has made me a better person. I feel compelled to share what I have learned, and this knowledge can and will change lives. We are blessed to be a blessing to others, and I would love to carry on his legacy. Stress Mastery has been his life's work. Continuing to carry the torch, I will create a shift in the planet.  I am certain I will make an excellent teacher if I decide to follow that path. Currently, I'm brushing up my resume and exploring the possibilities.  Meanwhile, I am loving the biology class and will probably finish that out. I don't feel the same about the statistics class. I really will not need statistics in my future, at least I don't think I will, I haven't so far in life. I may give myself permission to drop that class. I sometimes laugh at myself when I think about it. I'm 62 years old and I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up! I am so grateful for the opportunities I have; the possibilities are limitless! There is just so much that this life has to offer. I remember going to a career development class clear back in my 30s and the counselor asked me what I like. I remember telling her I like everything, everything is interesting, I like absolutely everything.  Some things never change. 😊 Find your purpose and keep working towards it. You will never run out of things to do, or to learn, or to see. Don't get stuck in your ways and always be willing to change. Live every day on purpose! Peggy Romero

  • Self-Love and the Voice in your Head

    We're at the halfway point of my #Heart30 self-love challenge! There are so many thoughts going on in our minds at all times. All day long, everyday. In fact I've heard that psychologists say we have 50,000 thoughts a day. I believe it! I added meditation to my prayers every morning a few years ago. Believe me if you try to meditate you will realize that thoughts are reeling through your mind every second. So there's that creative, loving and warm voice. The one that lifts you up and gives you your great ideas. The voice that says you can do it when you start imagining great things. That's the voice of love, the voice of the Holy Spirit. And then there's that annoying, cynical jerk, who tells you, you can't. The voice that will always remind you of every mistake you've ever made and why it's not going to work out. That is the voice of fear. The voice of the ego, the inner critic. Self-love is making a decision to connect to the voice of love. To decide not to connect to the voice of fear. You get to choose all day long because the thoughts will be reeling all day long. With awareness of that voice and with practice, you will realize how much brighter your day is when you stay connected to love. It's a practice, but it's worth your time and effort. You can begin any time, it takes no time, so skill, just awareness. Start noticing, what are you thinking about? What are you telling yourself? Become aware of your thoughts, start seeing that negative voice. Decide to let go of the negative and replace it with a positive. In time you will notice that of those 50,000 thoughts you have a day- you’ll repeat the same Thoughts over and over. Like a never-ending rotation. In fact, in the past, I have felt like I've been on a hamster’s wheel. Living a life that never moved forward. I was stuck in fear and stress. Not liking the life I was living but afraid to make a move to get out. Often feeling powerless and paralyzed.   That's when you know the ego has got ahold of you. Living in fear and wishing you could change. I remember years ago I heard Joyce Meyer say “just because something pops in your head doesn't mean you have to think about it.” I started noticing. That was the beginning of my awareness. That was the day I realized how true that statement is. We can choose what we think. In Stress Mastery we are taught to ask ourselves “who has conscious mind control? Is it me or my ego?” It's like we're in conversation all day long with ourselves. When you're having a conversation with your true self, it will be loving and kind. When you're in conversation with your ego it will be fearful and negative. I hope that this will give you some food for thought and that you will decide to create awareness in your own life. Each step you take to understand yourself is beneficial. You are worth every moment that you spend on yourself. Show yourself some love. Live every day on purpose, Peggy Romero

  • Overcoming Overwhelm While Pursuing Your Goals

    It's easy to get lost in the grandeur of our dreams. Whether it's launching a business, learning a new skill, starting school, or embarking on a fitness journey... our goals can seem to tower over us. I sometimes feel like they are casting shadows of doubt and intimidation. But here's a secret I often remind myself: the road to success doesn't always require giant steps. The small steps can pave the way to great things. One step at a time, will get you there. Think of your goal as a light on a mountain. It's doable, awe-inspiring even! But trying to make it to the top all at once can be overwhelming. Focus on taking one step at a time. Break down your goal into manageable chunks, like scaling a mountain one foothold at a time. By starting small, you build momentum and gain confidence with each step forward. Every journey is made up of milestones, both big and small. I know it's easy to fixate on the summit, but don't overlook the beauty of the trail. Celebrate your progress along the way, no matter how insignificant it may seem. Did you write a paragraph of that novel you've been dreaming about? Celebrate it! Did you complete a week of consistent walks or workouts? Give yourself a Gold Star! Recognizing each victory feeds your motivation and keeps overwhelm at bay. If you trip, get back up. Perfectionism is the enemy of progress. Waiting for the perfect moment or perfect plan only leads to paralysis. We all have been paralyzed by fear, it is part of growth.  Stop getting ready to do it and do it.  Make up your mind, set your plan, and take action, even if it's messy. Remember, the first draft is always rough, the first attempt is rarely flawless.  Every misstep can be a lesson learned, and every failure is a steppingstone to the life you desire.   Just take one step in the right direction and you'll be on your way. Remember that progress takes time, and setbacks are going to happen. Be flexible with the plan. Delays and setbacks will happen. Keep moving forward, one step at a time, trusting that each step brings you closer to your goals. Fear is part of chasing our dreams. Sometimes we throw in the towel. It's easy to give in to overwhelm. But remember, lofty goals are not achieved overnight. Making it to the light at the top of the mountain is a result of consistent effort, resilience in the face of challenges, and a willingness to start small. So, take that first (or the next) step today, no matter how small it may seem. Your journey begins with a single step, and with perseverance, determination, and a sprinkle of patience, you'll reach heights you never thought possible. I've been working on the prerequisites for nursing school. I'm not certain that I want to put in the amount of effort and time that it's going to take to get my RN degree.  I know I won't be working forever. I have to decide how much time, effort, brainpower, and money the degree is worth. And it's tough. There are already obstacles in my path. It's been especially challenging because I'm not exactly sure that I really want to do it. I realize I’ll have to jump in all the way to know for sure. I have to be patient; it will take time for me to decide. I must admit, that on occasion, I feel a sense of overwhelm.  It feels awful. I need to give myself some grace, it's all new to me. I haven't been in school for years and years. Suddenly, I have application deadlines and testing and fees and tuition to pay. It’s all coming at me at once.  So, I’m making mini goals for myself. I'm doing just one thing at a time. This makes it much more manageable for me. So whether your goals that you're working for are big or small I hope that these tips will help you stay out of overwhelm period of course overwhelm will only make it worse and remember fear stops us in our tracks.  It is fear that stops us from pursuing our dreams. We don't want to fail or we don't want it to be too hard. But remember you're created for a purpose, and you will not reach that purpose by sitting still. So set your goals.  Set your mind and keep it set; and walk confidently in that direction!  Set your light at the top of the mountain and go for it! Live every day on purpose, Peggy Romero

  • Today. Not Tomorrow.

    You Don't Need to Wait for New Year's to Pursue Your Goals Have you ever noticed or found even yourself saying what you plan to do, what goals you are setting for after the holidays.. Well friends, every day is a NEW DAY and it is always a perfect time for a resolution. You can begin again. You can make yourself a priority TODAY. It doesn't matter if you have already fallen short on the resolutions that you set at the start of the year. Today is the beginning of another 365-day year. Start your streak of taking care of you today. Read on goal-getters! There is no perfect moment to kickstart your dreams. The wait is over! You don't need to circle another date on the calendar to begin chasing after what you want. Here are a few reasons why your goals and resolutions can start right now: 1. Every Day is a Fresh Start Who says resolutions are reserved for January 1st? Every sunrise brings with it a brand-new opportunity to take charge of your life. So why wait? Whether it's shedding a few pounds, picking up a new hobby, or finally tackling that pile of unread books, there's no better time than the present to dive in and get started. Just do one thing. 2. One step in the right direction is progress Let's face it: waiting for the "perfect" moment is like waiting for a unicorn to gallop into your backyard… it's not gonna happen! Instead of fixating on flawless conditions, focus on progress. Even small steps forward count. Remember, imperfect action beats no- action every time. So lace up those sneakers, grab that paintbrush, or dust off that keyboard—whatever your goal may be, start making moves today! 3. Momentum is Your Friend Ever heard the saying, "a body in motion stays in motion"? Well, it applies to more than just physics. Starting today builds momentum, propelling you closer to your aspirations with each passing moment. By taking that first step, you set off a chain reaction of productivity and positivity. So why delay the greatness that awaits you? Mark it off on your calendar every day, seeing the steak helps keep it going. 4. No regrets Picture yourself a year from now. Do you want to look back with regret, wishing you had started sooner? Of course not! Life is too short to postpone your dreams. Embrace the present moment and take action. Whether you succeed or stumble along the way, you'll never regret having the courage to begin. You can do it! Picture yourself in a year from now. How do you look? How do you feel? What have you accomplished? 5. You're worth it! Above all else, remember this: you are worthy of pursuing your goals and living your best life. Don't let self-doubt or fear hold you back. You have the power within you to achieve incredible things, starting today. You were created for a purpose. It's impossible to fail at being the best of you.  So go ahead, take that leap of faith. You deserve to shine! It doesn't matter if you call it a resolution or a goal, just go for it. There's no reason to think that you failed, there's no reason to think that you need to wait for a different day or a different year. The time to start chasing your dreams is right now! Connect to your heart's desires, throw caution to the wind, and dive headfirst into the adventure of a lifetime. Whether it's January 1st or a random Tuesday in February, the choice is yours to make. We always have a choice, and it is never too late to begin. Start today, and who knows? You might just surprise yourself with what you can accomplish! Dream big!  Who will you be in one year from now? Live every day on purpose, Peggy Romero For more on this topic, tune-in to 'A Podcast with Purpose':

  • #Heart30: EXERCISE

    At the 'heart' of my #Heart30 Self-Care Challenge are five main components: SLEEP, WATER, SELF-CARE, DIET and EXERCISE. In this blog post, we will discuss the last, but not least (and in no particular order), the final component. Exercise. Nothing will get your heart pumping and your endorphins flowing like exercise! Going to the gym isn't for everyone (and that is okay!). Maybe it's too cold for you to go outside and walk but there is something for each and every one of us. Our bodies were meant to move. They are designed to have exercise. Dare I say it's not an option! For those of us who may be resistant to committing to exercise as part of our daily lives, I've made this list of ideas for you... *Dance - Exercise doesn’t have to feel like punishment.  Crank up your favorite tunes and dance. Whether you're shaking it to salsa, busting a move to hip-hop, or twirling around your living room like a ballerina, dancing is a fantastic way to burn calories and boost your mood. *Outdoor adventures - The weather is getting nice for many of us. Who needs a boring treadmill when you have the great outdoors as your playground? Lace up your hiking boots, hop on your bike, or grab your paddleboard and explore the world around you. Whether you're scaling mountains, biking through forests, or paddling across serene lakes, outdoor adventures are the ultimate way to stay fit while soaking up some vitamin D. *Unlimited exercise classes on YouTube. There is any kind of exercise that you could possibly be interested in on the Internet. You can use dumbbells or exercise bands. If you don't have those you can use your own body's resistance or a can of green beans. The world is at our fingertips and that includes exercise classes. If it's too cold or rainy to go out then find something to do indoors. Having an accountability partner can help. You can even do it together. ☺ Remember exercise isn't just about sweating buckets and lifting heavy weights. It's also about finding your inner peace. How about yoga with some gentle stretching, deep breathing, and mindfulness meditation. Not only will you strengthen your body, but you'll also calm your mind and soothe your soul. Exercise doesn't have to be a dreaded chore. With a little creativity and a whole lot of fun, you can turn your workout routine into the highlight of your day. Embrace the joy of movement, and let the world of exercise transform your body, mind, and spirit! Live every day on purpose, Peggy Romero

  • #Heart30: DIET

    At the 'heart' of my #Heart30 Self-Care Challenge are five main components: SLEEP, WATER, SELF-CARE, DIET and EXERCISE. In this blog post, we'll be discussing a healthy diet, the fourth component of the #Heart30 Challenge. A healthy diet... an element that impacts every aspect of our lives. Eating healthy isn't just about choosing a salad with protein instead of going for that juicy burger. Rather, eating healthy is about embracing the awesome power of food, and how it fuels our bodies and minds like nothing else can. The body supports the mind. Our diet supports the body. For the remainder of this post, I will share the importance and the benefits that diet, the fourth #Heart30 self-care challenge component, offers: *Diet creates quality energy. You wouldn't fuel a Ferrari with cheap gas, you shouldn't fuel your body with junk. A healthy diet packed with nutrients gives you the energy for whatever life throws your way, whether it's a presentation at work or planning weekend hike. *Say goodbye to brain fog. You are sure to experience more mental clarity with the right food choices. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, like salmon and walnuts, are like rocket fuel for your brain, boosting memory and cognitive function. *Eating a balanced diet keeps your blood sugar stable and your mood on an even keel. Plus, indulging in your favorite healthy treats releases feel-good endorphins without the sugar rush. *Your diet may be your best defense against colds and flu. Perhaps only rivaled by hand washing. Load up on colorful fruits and veggies bursting with vitamins and antioxidants to give your immune system the boost it needs to keep you healthy. A healthy diet is your ticket to a longer, happier life. Research shows that people who eat a balanced diet live longer and are less likely to develop chronic diseases like heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. Eating healthy isn't about deprivation or bland salads (although those have their place too). It's about embracing the delicious diversity of foods that nourish our bodies and minds. I know it's not always easy to change habits. Your diet is a habit: but one is worth working on. This is a very short list of the benefits of a healthy diet. I'm sure you can think of many more positives for a healthy diet that I didn't even mention. You are worth the effort it will take, and you'll feel better and look better too. Live every day on purpose, Peggy Romero

  • #Heart30: SELF-CARE

    At the 'heart' of my #Heart30 Self-Care Challenge are five main components: SLEEP, WATER, SELF-CARE, DIET and EXERCISE. In this blog post, we'll be discussing self-care, the third component of the #Heart30 Challenge. Self-care is a priority! It's not just a buzzword. It is a crucial practice that nourishes your mind, body, and soul. Let's start by reviewing just how important self-care is, and to follow, I'll share a few fun ideas to help get you started on your self-care journey... *You can’t give what you don’t have You are the beautiful teapot – constantly pouring out love, energy, and support to those around you. But then the teapot runs dry, and you will have to refill it. Many of us don’t know how. Or we don’t take the time we need to refill, and we run on empty. Taking time to recharge ensures that you have plenty of love and energy to share with others. Remember to fill up your cup first or you won’t have it to give. *Stress will always be a part of life Life can be a whirlwind of deadlines, obligations, and unexpected twists. Self-care can help you weather the storm! Whether it's indulging in a bubble bath, taking time for prayer, and practicing mindfulness, or simply taking a moment to breathe, self-care will help you stay grounded. We can't get rid of stress, but we can learn how to master it. Awareness is the key.  When life gets chaotic, remember to take a step back and show yourself some love. (See the Let-Go technique on my website – It Works!) *Take care from the inside out Self-care isn't just about pampering your physical body (although that's definitely a bonus!) – it's really about nurturing your mental and emotional well-being. Whether it's journaling, practicing gratitude, or spending quality time with loved ones, self-care activities help you cultivate a positive mindset and inner peace. *Know you are worth it! Self-care is a radical act of self-love and acceptance and we're not all comfortable with it. You may have to spend some time sitting down with a journal, getting really honest with yourself, and figure out how you feel about you. It's high time you see your value. You are one-of-a-kind. A masterpiece!  Moving forward, long past these 30 days, this will help you with your self-worth. Get it all out on paper, you will feel better. It's about recognizing your inherent worthiness and prioritizing your own happiness and well-being. *Get out your journal or a notebook and purposefully spend some time writing out all the great things about you. What do you love about yourself and who you are. I am statements work very well. Say them out loud, look yourself in the mirror and remind yourself of all those things that make you fabulous. This is a powerful exercise that will help you become aware that you are worthy of love, care, and all the good things life has to offer. Here’s the fun part - Now that we've sung the praises of self-care, it's time to put those words into action! Here are a few fun and simple ideas to kickstart your self-care journey: Treat yourself to a DIY spa day complete with face masks, bubble baths, and your favorite soothing playlist. Unplug and unwind with a technology detox – spend some time outdoors, read a book, or get lost in a creative project. Practice mindfulness and meditation to quiet your mind and reconnect with your inner peace. Get moving with some exercise or yoga – not only does it boost your physical health, but it also releases those feel-good endorphins! Indulge in your favorite hobby or creative outlet – whether it's painting, gardening, or baking, let your inner artist shine! I love to close every night with gratitude. Simply write out 3 things you are grateful for and any closing thoughts I might have. It helps me go to bed with a clear mind and an open heart. I also start every day on purpose – Green Focus Power Hour. So, there you go- the importance of self-care and a few fun ideas to get you started on your self-love journey. Remember, taking care of yourself isn't selfish – it's essential. So, go ahead and treat yourself – at least one thing a day every day for at least during #Heart30, and hopefully far beyond that. You’re worth it! Live every day on purpose, Peggy Romero

  • #Heart30: WATER

    At the 'heart' of my #Heart30 Self-Care Challenge are five main components: SLEEP, WATER, SELF-CARE, DIET and EXERCISE. In this blog post, we'll be discussing the second component, water... I want to stress to you just how important it is to drink water. I could write a whole essay, but I'll settle for just a few key benefits that will hopefully help you to decide what's right for you... *Water helps keep the body functioning properly Water is essential for our bodies. Do you know it makes up 60% of our body weight and 75% of our muscle mass? We need nourishing water! Water helps with regulating body temperature, aiding digestion, and nutrient absorption. I realized years ago that most of the time when I have a headache all I need is a big drink of water. I don't need to take Tylenol or other pain reliever because it just goes away by drinking water. Since I've created the habit of drinking water, I can't remember the last time I had a headache. Plus, it keeps your skin glowing. I have heard that hydration is the ultimate beauty secret. *Water is important for brain health When I feel groggy or depleted of brain power, I drink water. It’s the ultimate brain fuel! Water helps improve cognitive function, concentration, and even mood. So, the next time you're feeling like your brain could use a little boost, grab a glass of water and drink your way to mental clarity! *Water flushes away toxins Water is like a personal detox assistant. It helps flush out toxins, waste, and other unwanted gunk, keeping your system clean and running smoothly. So, drink up and let water do the work. *Water can help with weight loss Not only does it help you feel fuller, curbing hunger pangs, it also helps boosts your metabolism, which burns more calories. So, if weight loss is one of your goals, make water your new BFF. * Water can help to boost your mood Feeling a bit grumpy? Hydration will help.  I’ve learned that even mild dehydration can negatively impact mood and cognitive function. You can keep that smile by sipping on water all day long. Have I convinced you yet?! At the top of your health 'to-do list' - I hope you'll add drinking water. And to get you started, here are just a few ideas: What temperature do you prefer to drink water? Hot? Cold? Naturally, we want to drink it cold, but I personally prefer to drink mine at room temperature. Make drinking water, easy to track. It was really hard for me to track how many glasses I drank. Some people fill up a gallon jug each night before bed and fill the glasses from that. When it’s empty, you are done for the day. Honestly, the gallon jug overwhelmed me. It looked like too much. I've been using a pretty quart jar instead, and I only need to drink four. Take your water with you! Carry a water bottle. Add some flavoring! I know, many people don’t like plain water. I was once one of them. I used to add flavoring to every second quart as a treat and that also helped me keep track of how many I drank. They have the flavor drops, but you can also try it infused with a hint of lemon or cucumber. It is very refreshing. In my opinion, water is an easy habit to pick up. There's nothing quite as satisfying as a refreshing glass of water. Plus, it's calorie-free and oh-so-good for you. Your body will thank you for it. Live every day on purpose, Peggy Romero

  • #Heart30: SLEEP

    At the 'heart' of my #Heart30 Self-Care Challenge are five main components: SLEEP, WATER, SELF-CARE, DIET and EXERCISE. Each component is not necessarily any more important than the other, however I chose sleep as the first of the daily promises to yourself because it sets a foundation for all the rest. My family is full of insomniacs. They only sleep four maybe five hours a night... maybe even less! For most of my life, I have been able to get six hours of sleep, but after learning just how vital sleep is to all of us, I made it my goal to get seven. It has been a process. It has taken me awhile, to be honest (close to two years!). I'm sure many of you toss and turn, but with these tips I'm hoping that you'll be better rested... For starters... Prioritize SLEEP! - You know what time you have to get up in the morning, so work backwards. Start settling down 8-9 hours prior to your desired wake up time, and ensure that you're getting to bed at least 7.5 hours before that with the intention of sleeping a minimum of seven hours. Relax and Be Calm - This is going to require that you limit or entirely rid of overly stimulating activities before bed. I know I can get riled up easily, so I try my best to tune-in to calming shows before bedtime. Sleep Cool - Our bodies need a cool room to sleep in. 65°F (and for my Canadian and European friends that is 18°C). You can cool your room with air conditioning or by opening a window. Be sure that if you are using AC, to cool down your home prior to getting to bed. Another great way to sleep cool, is by using breathable sheets and blankets. This will help you to stay cozy overnight without keeping all your body heat trapped in. Hot Baths - This idea is music to my ears! I love to take a bath, and I recently read that taking a hot shower or bath before bedtime can naturally kickstart your body's ability to cool itself down. Shh... - Keep things quiet! Thick rugs and curtains can help to drown out some noise. You can also try earplugs or peaceful sounds with a sound machine. I have personally tried a delta wave machine, simply running the fan in my room, and I've even fallen asleep listening to The Golden Girls reruns (with a sleep timer set, of course). Sleep is so important, and it is more than worth your time to figure out what works best for you. We need sleep for recovery, both mind and body. Sleep also improves our ability to learn, memorize and boost our mood and emotions. How will you prioritize sleep during the #Heart30 challenge? Make a plan in writing and discuss it ahead of time with your accountability partner (and if you don't have one yet, send me an email and I'll be happy to discuss it with you). This will take a bit of planning and focus, but you will be so glad that you did it. Live every day on Purpose, Peggy Romero

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